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This is how you can switch your already installed Microsoft Office 365 to a @myubt.de account:


For these instructions to work, Microsoft 365 has to be enabled in your Uni Bayreuth user account.

Steps 1-5 of these instructions describe how you can give the required Privacy Permissin Statement. This only has to be done once, so if you have already given the statement in the past, please skip to Step 6 now.

If you have not given the statement yet, go to https://portal.its.uni-bayreuth.de now and log in with your university username and the respective password.


Click on Approvals.


Select Microsoft Account.


Accept the Privacy Permission Statement (if not already accepted) and click on Save changes.


Important: After giving the Privacy Permission Statement, it takes 1 - 2 hours until your Microsoft Account will be activated. In rare cases it can take up to 24 hours. Please wait before you continue to follow the instructions.


Open Word and click on Account in the starting screen.


Click on Change license.


Click on Use a different account.


Log in with your university username + @myubt.de (e.g. bt123456@myubt.de) and the respective password to activate Office.


In case you encounter the following error messages, close Office and restart the application - the licensing should have worked regardless.


Now restart your computer.

If you are using Windows 10 please check under Settings -> Accounts -> Access work or school if your old account (e.g. @lizenzunibt.onmicrosoft.com) has been successfully removed. If you don't need the old account anymore, you can delete it.


That's it! You may install Office on up to 5 devices. Steps 1 to 5 must only be done once.
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Last update: 05.04.2024 14:33


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